Public Comment Form

RULES: Early Stakeholder Outreach - Lead and Copper

Early Stakeholder Outreach — Lead and Copper Rules

What does OAC 3745-81 cover?

DDAGW has reviewed rule 3745-81-80, 3745-81-81, 3745-81-82, 3745-81-

83, 3745-81-84, 3745-81-85, 3745-81-86, 3745-81-87, 3745-81-88, 3745-81-

89 and 3745-81-90 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) to meet the minimum requirements required by Federal rule. The rule package describes the requirements for Public Water Systems (PWSs) monitoring for lead and copper.

Why are these rules being sent out for Early Stakeholder Outreach?

The first step in the rule-making process is for Ohio EPA to identify that a rule needs to be amended, rescinded, or created. Ohio EPA has added an additional step to ensure stakeholders are brought into the rule process as early as possible. This additional interested party notification and request for information will allow for early feedback before the rule language has been developed by the Agency.

What changes are being considered?

DDAGW is seeking input from the regulated community on potential changes to OAC 3745-81. The planned changes would only adopt the new requirements of the amended federal rule. DDAGW is proposing three new rules and amendments containing the following:

·   Lead sampling at Schools and Child Care Facilities within a Water System’s distribution system.

·   More options for small systems in the event of an Action Level Exceedance.

·   Record keeping requirements.

DDAGW is proposing amendments to the existing rules encompassing the following:

·   The addition of a Baseline Inventory which includes connector material.

·   Mandatory 10-yr lead service line replacements.

·   The addition of Service Line Replacement Plans.
·  The addition of a validation pool which would include all service lines that were identified using any method 

Please see the full fact sheet at the DDAGW Early Stakeholder Page:

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