Public Comment Form

RULES: Surface Water Monitoring - Interested Party Review

OAC Chapter 3745-81 Surface Water Monitoring

What does 3745-81 cover?

DDAGW has reviewed rule 3745-81-72, 3745-81-73, 3745-81-75, 3745-81-76, 3745-81-77 and 3745-81-79 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) to satisfy the five-year rule review requirements of section 106.03 of the Ohio Revised Code. The rule package describes the requirements for Public Water Systems (PWSs) who use surface water as their source in whole or in part.

What step is this in the rulemaking process?

This step in Ohio EPA’s rulemaking process, required by Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 121.39, is called Interested Party Review. During this step, the Agency makes available draft rules for interested parties for review and comment. This step occurs after the Early Stakeholder Outreach comment period.

What changes are being considered?

The Division of Drinking and Ground Waters is seeking input from the regulated community on minor amendments to OAC 3745-81-72, 3745-81-73, 3745-81-75, 3745-81-76, 3745-81-77, 3745-81-79. DDAGW is proposing the following potential changes:

·      Updating rule references

·      Minor grammar, formatting, and spelling corrections

·      Removal of redundant regulatory restrictions

Who will be regulated by these rules?

 All Public Water Systems that are using surface water as their source in whole or in part. 

How can I get more information?

Copies of this fact sheet, Common-Sense Initiative form and the draft rules are on the DIVISION’s website at
For more information about these draft rules, please contact:
Rylee Lane                                                                   or                                  Brooke McLoughlin
(614) 752-9725                                                                                                   (614) 644-2752                                                            

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