RULES: Early Stakeholder Outreach - Acid Rain Permits and Compliance (OAC 3745-103)
What does Chapter 3745-103 cover?
Chapter 3745-103 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) contains the requirements relating to the Acid Rain program for limitation of emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from fossil-fuel fired electrical generating units. The rules also contain the requirements for applications for and issuing acid rain permits in accordance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 76 and Title IV of the Clean Air Act.
Why are these rules being sent out for Early Stakeholder Outreach?
The first step in the rule-making process is for Ohio EPA to identify that a rule needs to be amended, rescinded, or created. In response to Executive Order (EO) 2011-01K, Ohio EPA has added an additional step to ensure stakeholders are brought into the rule process as early as possible. This additional interested party notification and request for information allows for early feedback before the rule language has been developed by the Agency.
What changes are being considered?
Ohio EPA will perform a general review of the rules in this chapter to fulfill the requirements of Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 106.03 (5-year review). Ohio EPA will make specific changes to update outdated language for submittals required in the rules. New language will reflect current electronic methods of communication for submitted documents. Ohio EPA is not aware, at this time, of any major changes necessary to these rules, but will make changes as necessary based on the results of the review.
What does Chapter 3745-103 cover?
Chapter 3745-103 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) contains the requirements relating to the Acid Rain program for limitation of emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from fossil-fuel fired electrical generating units. The rules also contain the requirements for applications for and issuing acid rain permits in accordance with Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 76 and Title IV of the Clean Air Act.
Why are these rules being sent out for Early Stakeholder Outreach?
The first step in the rule-making process is for Ohio EPA to identify that a rule needs to be amended, rescinded, or created. In response to Executive Order (EO) 2011-01K, Ohio EPA has added an additional step to ensure stakeholders are brought into the rule process as early as possible. This additional interested party notification and request for information allows for early feedback before the rule language has been developed by the Agency.
What changes are being considered?
Ohio EPA will perform a general review of the rules in this chapter to fulfill the requirements of Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 106.03 (5-year review). Ohio EPA will make specific changes to update outdated language for submittals required in the rules. New language will reflect current electronic methods of communication for submitted documents. Ohio EPA is not aware, at this time, of any major changes necessary to these rules, but will make changes as necessary based on the results of the review.
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