Public Comment Form

Early Stakeholder Outreach - Accidental Release Prevention Rules (OAC Chapter 3745-104)

What does OAC 3745-104 cover?

Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Chapter 3745-104 establishes Ohio’s Accidental Release Prevention Program under the Risk Management Plan (RMP). These rules were promulgated after Ohio received delegation of authority in December 1999 for the program. The rule requires facilities to submit a Risk Management Plan (RMP), implement a prevention program and an emergency response plan or program.

Why are these rules being sent out for Early Stakeholder Outreach?

The first step in the rule-making process is for Ohio EPA to identify that a rule needs to be amended, rescinded, or created. Ohio EPA has added an additional step to ensure stakeholders are brought into the rule process as early as possible. This additional interested party notification and request for information will allow for early feedback before the rule language has been developed by the Agency.
What changes are being considered?

Ohio EPA will be performing a general review of the rules in this chapter to fulfill the requirements of Ohio Revise Code (ORC) 106.03 and 106.31 (five year review). In addition to various minor changes for clarification, to fix typographical errors, and to meet state and agency formatting standards, Ohio EPA will update the rules to reflect recent updates of the rules in the Code of Federal Regulations Part 68 — CHEMICAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION PROVISIONS.

How can I provide input?

The Agency is seeking stakeholder input on the OAC Chapter 3745-104 Accidental Release Prevention Rules. When preparing your comments, be sure to:

·  Explain your views as clearly as possible

·  Describe any assumptions used

·  Provide any technical information and/or data used to support your views

·  Explain how you arrived at your estimate for potential burdens, benefits or costs

·  Provide specific examples to illustrate your views and

·  Offer alternatives

Please go to the DAPC Early Stakeholder Page for more information.

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