Ohio EPA is proposing an update the State Water Quality Management Plan (208 Plan), as required by Sections 303 and 208 of the Clean Water Act. This plan describes and promotes efficient and comprehensive programs for controlling water pollution from point and nonpoint sources in a defined geographic area. The state of Ohio prepares and maintains the 208 Plan applicable in the 64 counties where areawide councils of governments, appointed by the governor, do not act as the lead planning agencies.
This update streamlines and reorganizes the main text content, updates appendices content, and details a new Ohio EPA update process for minor changes to existing facility planning areas (FPAs). The changes also establish wastewater FPAs for publicly owned treatment works (POTWs), commonly known a wastewater treatment plants, in Delaware County. An FPA is a geographical planning area of sufficient scope to allow for an analysis of various alternatives for the treatment and disposal of wastewater. FPAs are used to determine wastewater treatment needs and cost-effective methods of providing sewer services.
The proposed 208 Plan updates are available for review at the Ohio EPA central office or on Ohio EPA's website.
Public Meeting Details
February 11, 2025
2:30 p.m.
The public meeting and hearing may be attended virtually by registering ahead of time via GoTo Webinar.
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